Routine dental check-ups and oral hygiene cleanings are essential to your oral health. Triplett & Livingston Dental proudly provides personalized general and preventative care for the whole family. We are dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy and confident smile. Allow our team to prevent problems such as cavities, infections, and tooth decay. Call our local Liberty, MO office at (816)781-1224 to schedule an appointment.
Regular oral hygiene cleanings help keep your teeth clean and it helps us detect potential problems sooner. During our semi-annual cleanings, we not only sterilize your mouth, and address any of your concerns, but we also provide comprehensive examinations, including; x-rays and cancer screenings.
Phone: (816) 781-1224
Fax: (816) 781-1382
Address: 1129 West Kansas Street, Suite C, Liberty, MO
Business Hours: